Thus we have a "win-win" by using asyncio generator for FFprobe-the throttling comes implicitly from other parts of the pipeline. If the FFprobe task was in an asyncio.gather() algorithm, resource utilization could get too high. However, the rationale employed is that the FFprobe task is overall lightweight, and thus other parts of the pipeline inherently limit resource utilization. The queuing could also be implemented for FFprobe style task if desired. The FFplay example in contrast is an example of a task using resource throttling via asyncio.Queue. There is no resource throttling in the FFprobe example, so the CPU could become overwhelmed with context switching. In the FFprobe example, the lazy asyncio generator produces metadata concurrently as fast as it's requested. The FFplay asyncio example is more advanced than the FFprobe example. Testing asynchronous techniques with video playback makes some effects obvious.
Coroutine vs Threads vs processesįor computationally bound programs, multiple processes is often a good choice. Īll examples are under the examples/ directory.
We use src/ Python layout to demonstrate general good packaging practice, so to use the scripts: pip install -e. Proc = n(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)Īdd_metadata function takes arbitrary key:value parameters and turns them into ffmpeg arguments.Examples of Python asyncio.subprocess with FFmpeg and also traditional synchronous processes. Save_path = video.with_suffix( '.metadata' + video.suffix) Python script import subprocessįrom typing import Dict def add_metadata( video: Path, For reference you can check Matroska spec for MKV and Kodi docs for MP4. Not all containers support every metadata. Use -map_metadata 0 to copy over existing meta tags without changing them.Use -c copy to copy streams directly without encoding.
When split into lines: ffmpeg -i video.mkv ` With ffmpeg, adding metadata is simply including -metadata key=value arguments in the command: ffmpeg -i video.mkv -c copy -movflags use_metadata_tags -map_metadata 0 -metadata title= "Hello World" -metadata year= 2020 This answer on StackOverflow put me on the right path. ffmpeg commandįfmpeg supports practically anything under the sun, including adding metadata. I've written about a way to do it on PowerShell, but nothing comes closer to the joy I get from writing in Python. This time I've decided to add metadata about the title, year, IMDb links, artists, etc. Every year or so I go over what I have and do a clean-up if necessary. I've been maintaining a movie archive for years now.